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    Diablo 4

    @lmccrazy What’s the name of the Dad clan? I’m interested
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    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack My daughter has been sleeping over at grandmas (my mom) pretty regularly since about 9 mo. She loves it, my mom loves it and we get a much needed break
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    Diablo 4

    @lmccrazy I’m at work rn, but I’d be glad to join up once I get home and play with my little monsters a bit haha. Dad priorities
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    Diablo 4

    @cruzer That’s what I figured. He is a tough one. Super annoying that he completely ignored all my minions including golem taunts and just kept stomping on me instead.
  5. B

    Diablo 4

    @cruzer I just got stomped by him. Managed to get him down to about 30% health, but he eventually got me. Curious how you spent 40 min on him since he de spawned for me after killing me