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  1. P

    Family making inappropriate comments about my baby

    @obedientsacrifice Yeah, it’s weird when people sexualize babies/kids. I don’t think most people mean it in a malicious way but it’s still not good. If it comes up again I would definitely tell them explicitly what your boundaries are and hold firm in them. Your daughter will face so much shit...
  2. P

    I fell while holding my 3 y.o. Niece.. would you ever forgive me if I was your SIL?

    @bigphi008 Yes I would forgive you. It was clearly an accident and accidents happen. Don’t beat yourself up 🩵💙💜
  3. P

    Helping 3.5 year old understand "you" and "me"

    @guilhermesilva Totally normal to still be messing up pronouns at that age. Model the correct language and he will grow out of it 😊😊😊. My 4.5 y/o still occasionally messes them up and he was literally just reviewed by a speech pathologist and they saw no issues with him (the kids are screened...
  4. P


    @ashbash400 He’s literally still a newborn! That’s so ridiculous. And I don’t care how old my baby is, I’ll hold them as long as they’ll let me! My first two stopped letting me hold them at about 2 months old 😫