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  1. K

    Doctor said my 6mo needs PT

    @springwillow My comment might get lost in the weeds but our pediatrician said the same thing when our son was 6 months. At that point he was sitting up okay with support but his trunk stability needed work. She said we could PT if we wanted but she wouldn’t require it if he was able to sit up...
  2. K

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @tony717 Yeah I mean you obviously go with your child’s cues. I just know what I’ve researched and what has worked for me and many other parents I know. My son’s behavior changes massively if he is out of routine. Mind you by routine I mean same nap times, same eating schedule, and same bedtime...
  3. K

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @tony717 I’m going to give slight push back on saying it’s not for your baby. Studies show that routine and a predictable day is what creates security and safety for them. 2 months is definitely too young to have any of that down yet but it becomes extremely important when they become more aware...