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  1. W

    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sakura656 Gotten security and told them she was harassing you after her child attacked yours? They have camras. I would have lost my shit and been in her face screaming so kudos to you for keeping your cool.
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    F**k viruses

    @mynameishephzibah COVID is found to have modified your immune system with signs up to a year after infection. It's not COVID that's keeps you sick it's just holding the door open for everything else. Same as HIV...
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    Just found out husband of nearly 7 years has had an affair - we have a 3.5y/o and a 17m/o

    @renegadelegion Mine is almost 2. We live with my parents while the divorce gets worked out. About a year now trying to finalize this divorce. Dad only visits when he wants something from me. Baby doesn't understand and it's very upset because dad is super inconsistent. He was cheating on me...
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    Why I'm quitting

    @osvaldo Navigating the short-term benefits for my pregnancy was a total nightmare. Such a waste of time when I'm supposed to be spending time with my kid and still I'm on the phone trying to make sure that I'm getting enough of my paycheck to cover the bills. Ug. I'm sorry that eat into your...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 For real! And abusers start small. See what they can get away with. Who they can convince. We're playing by the nice rules. They play by the what can I get away with rules. Dramatic. Yes I am. But I've been used for the last time. I'm done being in the "nice guys finish last"...
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    I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

    @agapeos1080 Fuck it. Feel how you feel. Reasonable. unreasonable. Feel it. You've got a lot of good perspectives here and lots of devils advocates. And from how you replied, and the fact that you asked, you are a Reasonable mama reasonably annoyed with bullshit ex's gf is pulling. Who gives...
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    How do you have time to do anything?

    @babszie Sounds normal to me. As for working out I chose to do walks and take kido with me. Mine also got up at 6am every day. I start at 9 am so that was enough time for us. But if you want a gym there are ones with good child care that you could take baby with you, drop them off with child...