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  1. Z

    Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

    @hakoa I just want to echo not to spiral until tests come back. I once went to doctor for what I’m pretty sure was a spider bite reaction on my neck. He was also “sure” it was herpes. So sure that he gave me a prescription and told me not to wait until results came back. They came back...
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    Anyone else want to go back to 1992 when every single grade didn’t have a “graduation” ceremony?

    @monkeym24 How old are you? Im 43 and we did kinder graduation (no cap n gown though), probably grade school (5th grade) although I don’t remember that one and junior high (cap and gown).
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    C section aftercare: a warning

    @kellygok Thank you for sharing! I have a question about the meds. I will likely have a csection as I’m at risk for preclampsia. Are you able to breastfeed when taking oxy? How long do you take it after leaving the hospital?