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    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @gtasoldier At 6 weeks we had an inconsolable baby who couldn't even slp. She had just had the jabs and we read that peak fussiness happens at 6-8 weeks. We got to a point where it was just so bad I said to my husband this just isn't normal. We called the parent hotline who told us to go ER as...
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    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @idiotonabike As long as baby doesn't get exposure to other ppl I think it's fine! I went for a walk post c section 1 week! I was going stir crazy not leaving the house. Just a gentle walk outside can do you wonders
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    My 5 1/2 Week Old Won’t Sleep Unless We Hold Him

    @sayo Do you have naps in lit or dark room?