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    Anyone else hate working?

    @susieque22002 It’s funny because my coworkers and I actually had the conversation about whether or not we’d come to work if we won the lottery. I immediately said no and everyone looked at me like I was crazy! Sorry I just prioritize and value real life, not my office job.
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @hjholland That is such an out of touch thing to say. If my husband alone brought in $300k+, then maybe lol
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @hjholland It’s so, so hard! Yeah I’m in the US, in Southern California 🫠 it’s basically impossible to live here even with a double income.
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @bornagainnurse I just don’t even know where to start with finding a less stressful job with the same salary I make now
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @zorana What do you do for work?
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @elephas This! 😭
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    Anyone else hate working?

    @paparazi257 Yeah, this is why I’d never actually do it
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    Anyone else hate working?

    Just a rant. My husband and I both work in sales. We make good money and are good at our jobs. I just HATE working. I do it solely to help provide for my family because without a double income we wouldn’t be able to get by. I have absolutely 0 motivation and want nothing more than just to be a...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @metalgreymon Mine is fresh out of night time pull ups so he will sometimes wake me up to tell me he has to pee (which is amazing, I thought we’d never reach the day), but also- he can’t self soothe, so after he’s done with the bathroom he wants me to cuddle him to sleep. I usually just bring...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @daddylopez1963 Yeah, I think implementing this now would make me sad. He’s old enough to be like wait, what? Mom’s locking me out? I can just imagine him sobbing at the door (although I think he’d be able to figure out how to open it). My sister in law has one of those on her 3yo’s door and it...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @m5comp Ooh I like the idea of setting up the hatch to go off as the ok to cuddle mama time! I’d be ok with him coming in at 6, it’s just anything before that is rough haha. He has his water, books, stuffies etc I think he just gets bored waiting for the hatch. The sun rising early doesn’t help...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @farrishgtrchard He’ll be in K in the fall, but yes has been in M-F preschool! We used to take him back to his room but started letting him stay once baby was born because we were exhausted, and now we dug ourselves a deeper hole. I believe he just wants to be with me, which is why I haven’t...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @pheadablessed He comes in our bed to wake me up and tell me what’s going on with him (he’s too hot/cold in his bed, he had a bad dream, etc). Then he wants to cuddle which I’m fine with, but he sleeps reeaallyy close to me in bed so it’s hard for me to sleep well when he stays there. We used...
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    @alvaror Love this, thank you so much ❤️ I know my LO just misses me and wants to be near me more right now, it’s just really hard sleeping with him right up on me haha. I think he would be accepting of a quick cuddle and then to the little mattress he goes.
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    My 5yo won’t stay in his bed and I’m losing my mind

    Mostly venting. I have 3 kids, 5yo twins and a 3 month old. One of my twins is a fantastic sleeper, always has been. The other one has never really slept through the night, and even if he does he’s up before the sun. We have a hatch in their room that lights up at 6:30am, and before baby was...