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  1. P

    Another mom told me I have a fat a** today

    @sakura656 People are trash. You did the right thing. She was the one who embarrassed herself by acting like a bully. Good job for setting a good example of your daughter by being the bigger person.
  2. P

    Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

    @asupersquirrel I saw someone mention sneek peek. I personally don’t feel comfortable sending a blood sample to a Company but wanted to find out the gender before the 20 weeks so I went to a 2D ultrasound place to find out the gender at 15 weeks. They say you can find out as soon as 13 weeks...
  3. P

    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    @robertjjones A blessing in disguise. Enjoy the unemployment, and the last few months with your 1 year old before the baby comes. Start nesting for your baby’s arrival. They did you a favor, you don’t want to stay in an environment that doesn’t support working moms. Wishing you the best!