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    1 crib vs 2

    @katrina2017 I'm so grateful for the midwives I've had here in the States because they've been more like what you described, but clearly bound by their workplace's policies. So they'd indicate support when they approved of something I did that was against hospital policy. I appreciated it...
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    My husband and I just got a call after my 14 m.o. daughters’ first week at a new daycare…

    @tendercarelawnservice I wasn't even making $1k/week when I was working. We couldn't afford for me to go back to work. Which is such a bizarre concept.
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @readingdad My BP was constantly borderline throughout my didi pregnancy. I got sent to L&D triage so many times for it, just for it to come down enough for them to send me home. The day of my induction right at 38 weeks, I got to the hospital and insisted on being wheeled up to L&D. They were...
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    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    @peace608 Well so far I send one of them to pre-school in underwear, and he does great there, then comes home, refuses to pee on the potty, then shits on the floor and throws up at the sight of it. 🙃 I can't even entertain the thought of potty training the other one yet.
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    Celebration! 🎉

    @deltoots This was such a lovely read ☺️ Cheers to a solid 5 hours of independence! And just to be a positive voice for you following your instincts... Honestly parenting got so much more enjoyable for me when I tuned out the noise of stuff I was supposed to be doing. It's still hard, but I...
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    Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

    @rusyngirl Yeah, my family keeps actually scolding me for buying NB clothes because "my babies never wore them!" The smallest baby born in my family was still over 8lbs. But here's the thing. I have twins on the way. It makes the freaking news when twins are born over 8lbs! Mine will be born...
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    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    @mndad2 The math wasn't mathing!
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    Even More Unsolicited Perspective - There is Hope!

    @mndad2 Yeah hearing "it doesn't get easier, just different was disheartening because I was struggling SO MUCH and there's no way I could have dealt with the same level of difficulty indefinitely. But it also felt like total bullshit, because the people who said it did not seem as fucked up as I...
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    Universal Childcare Call to Arms!

    @jay1971 I had a feeling that's the post you meant 😂 It got kind of nasty in there!
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    Choosing NOT to do daycare

    @fab01 My twin boys are 2.5 years old now and we haven't done daycare. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to send them even just one day a week, but it's impossible cost-wise currently. I have a masters degree but I'm not established enough in my field yet to be getting enough income from it to...