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  1. D

    What to do? My son's g.f. is beating him up

    @dadon In Canada, it’s not actually left up to the person who is abused to “press charges”. Once the report is made to the police, if they have enough evidence the abuser is charged. The victim can only decide whether or not to report the crime. This is to protect the victim from retribution...
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    Appropriate consequence for preteen

    @greenbird This is my opinion as well
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 Agreed. It’s very challenging to even see a specialist, let alone get a second opinion, so take heart that you are doing the best you can. I hope in your case she outgrows these issues too… as that is best case scenario I think.
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    1 year old with gross motor delay and poor appetite. Constantly told everything is “fine”

    @boanerges1989 I have no real advice for your particular problem, but I will say, with small children it seemed to me that doctors are unwilling to pursue much unless there is something drastically wrong. My experience with this is my son: he didn’t sleep. He would wake up screaming in pain...