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    50/50 Schedule that has both parents knowing all the kids activities?

    @billquinn I mean, both parents can still deal with anything from the kids lives, they just need to communicate with the other parent. This may involve letting the other parent know the contact details of the person running an extracurricular, or sending details of how things work, etc. There's...
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    50/50 Schedule that has both parents knowing all the kids activities?

    @billquinn Why do you want to be involved with all activities? I've been coparenting for 4 years now, and honestly, things go much smoother if both parents aren't involved in all aspects of everything, if there's some things they do with one parent, and some things they do with the other...
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    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @megbot Therapy. Physical activity. Literally those two things.
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    Holiday Interpretation

    @mekhappes 3pm seems reasonable. At the same time, does it matter? If the other parent disagrees, and wants to pick up earlier/later, is that worth having conflict over? It'll just be a few hours either way.
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    Thoughts on my ex leaving our 5 year old at home while she goes to the bus stop for her other kids?

    @avimay How far away is the bus stop? If it's within sight of the house, no problems.
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @vescd You're a capable father. You don't need randoms on the internet to tell you whether your decisions for your children are right or not. If your girlfriend can't respect your judgement with respect to your own children, then that's something I would be concerned about.
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    When your kids notice the other coparent not being fair, how do you respond?

    @audranne If the therapist is any good, they will see straight through any attempts to manipulate them.
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    When your kids notice the other coparent not being fair, how do you respond?

    @audranne The line can be very hard to find, but there are some guiding principles: Never lie to your kids. That's doesn't mean you have to answer every question or give them every detail, but don't tell them something that is false. Don't speculate. If you don't know why your ex is doing...
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    Am I being unreasonable?

    @joan316 So, you have her so that he can work, but he won't have her so you can work? Have you pointed out the double standards in that?
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    Am I being unreasonable?

    @joan316 Yes it's ridiculous, no you're not being unreasonable, but you're not likely going to be able to change him, so let's look at solutions. How have you worked out child support? Does your jurisdiction have a standard calculator, or have you just come to an arrangement privately? If...
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    New baby announcement - hurt feelings

    @jambor The text is respectful. It seems to me that you are projecting the hurt you feel by the situation into the text. Unless you're suggesting the reason he got married, and the reason he's having a child, is all just to spite you, there's nothing spiteful in what he's written.
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    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    @cturtle That's not a given. He's in a conflicting position - he loves and trusts his wife. But she's done something that is inconsistent with his trust. What does he do then? A reasonable person doesn't jump straight to a position of anger and conflict with someone they love just because...
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    Need to know if I’m wrong

    @msmia Let it be a bigger issue. As you said, damned if you do, damned if you don't. So, if you're going to be damned either way, do what works best for you.
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    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    @cturtle From everything you've described, it sounds like reporting it is not necessary, so I think you're doing the right thing. More generally though, it's possible you could benefit from talking through with a therapist. I used to not say/do things because I was scared of being called the...
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    He told her to shut the f* up

    @b%C3%ACnh1889 Why would a 9 year old make up a story like that about her own father? And, even if she did make up a story like that, that's indicative that things between her and her father must be pretty toxic if that's the lengths she needs to go to draw attention to the problem. Kids don't...
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    Step Mum gave my son prescription drugs that were not his..

    @cturtle If you have a good relationship with them, then perhaps you need to sit down with both of them over coffee, explain that, aside from being illegal, giving your child any prescription medication that was not prescribed to them is a hard boundary that you never want crossed again. If they...
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    Dealing with early stages of separation

    @daydreamer1980 It sounds like you're going to be just fine then. From what you describe, I can guarantee you that that baby is growing up to have a special bond with you as his father, and no one else will ever come close to filling that role with him.
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    Dealing with early stages of separation

    @daydreamer1980 Honestly, I think you're over thinking this. Who puts your son to bed? I used to put my son to bed, every night. We had a routine, I'd bath him, dress him, read him a book, and then sing to him as he fell asleep in my arms, before I put him down into his bed. That was my...
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    Coparenting schedule difficulties HELP!

    @danisean69 Has he raised concerns about not seeing the kids enough? Because this is his problem to deal with, not yours. I don't understand why you're asking about it on Reddit when it's not your problem.
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    Breach of custody contract

    @tricky Document and go back to court. That's your only option really. Police don't generally get involved in custody disputes unless explicitly ordered to by a judge.