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  1. L

    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @baothy2201 Tried that and it was no issue when she was younger, or maybe was the fact that it was January and sunset was around 5pm, but now we are visiting family and with sunset after 9pm, its way to much light when i put her to sleep.
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @seekinganswersinlife We don't seem to have an issue with room sharing yet. The only issue for now it's the fact that at bedtime is not yet dark enough for her to easily fall asleep. Too much light and she's distracted by everything around, especially since it's a new place.
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @seekinganswersinlife I like the ideea of using the wipes and diaper boxes. Slumberpod not so much - just thinking about it makes me hyperventilate.
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @amphibalus Thank you. I did not know that.
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    @fundementalzero Thanks. Worth a try.
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    How do you darken the room without blackout blinds or on vacation?

    As my l.o. grows older (16 months now) it gets harder and harder to leave anywhere with her, especially during summer time. Where i live, 8 pm is still too much light outside for her to sleep without blackout curtains. At home that is not an issue, but what about when we visit family, or on...