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  1. N

    Child texting co parent

    @celtics That may be an option!
  2. N

    Child texting co parent

    @kevin__huang I agree! I wouldn’t want the texting cease for them.
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    Child texting co parent

    @jakerevj Thank you. I already see that potentially happening. Con parent (ha auto correct, meant CO parent, but I’ll keep it 😂) does their best to do the minimum to support my relationship with the kids. Which is fine. I do what I can.
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    Child texting co parent

    @brz44mi I remember being that way, so I will hopefully 🤞🏻 keep that in mind when it gets there. Pray for us 😂
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    Child texting co parent

    @brz44mi Oh the horror! Can’t wait for teenagers 😓
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    Child texting co parent

    @uli I don’t want them to keep secrets either. It’s more so that the parent will jump down my throat about things the kids have said. I’m already sensitive from some other things that happened with coparent the past week, so who knows if what I’m feeling right now would be relevant if the other...
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    Child texting co parent

    @nnhust Ha thanks, I think there’s plenty I’d roll my eyes at with coparent and how they coparent on their time.
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    Child texting co parent

    @joeysoley It wouldn’t ever be that, that’s why I’m trying to figure out what exactly to say. Because yes, I agree that is a bad look on me.
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    Child texting co parent

    Child, who is 9 and has had a phone for a little over a year now. I did not have anything to do with it, it was a Xmas gift at other parent’s house. I’m pretty against it because they are 9 and they can always call from my phone. It’s not just used for calls and texts but apps, but I digress and...