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    I f**ed up!

    @0st Baby safety is when i feel like it’s ok to say something. I usually ask myself, could baby die? If yes, then I say something.
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    What to do for working mom of two that just lost her husband?

    @jeremiah17 One of my worst memories from my freshman year of high school is after my grandma died was sitting around the table with my mom and grandpa, filling out thank you card to send to people after the funeral. My grandma was involved with a large nonprofit and people donated to create a...
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    How often do you have date night with your partner?

    @jcano Rarely. Last date night was 12/9. Before that it had been probably July? We both work full time plus overtime and it takes too much effort to organize a night out. Most of the time I would rather order takeout and watch a movie together.
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    What is it like going from 1-2 or 2-3 kids with 2 full time working parents?

    @infomommax Going from 1-2 kids was honestly a breeze BUT my husband was also taking his 12 weeks paid parental leave intermittently, so he only worked 2 days a week. I actually never went back to my old job and started a new one at 7 weeks postpartum. He went back to work full time a few weeks...
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @jazzyd777 I’m glad you had that experience with your brother, but I didn’t have that experience with mine. I’m trying for my 3rd and last baby right now via IVF. Unless my very single brother suddenly and accidentally knocks someone up, he’s a long way away from having kids on purpose.
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    Age gap; 3 or 4 years?

    @loumay Not as a parent, but my only sibling and I are 4 years apart. I think it’s too far apart. We could never play together because we were such different ages. We were not buddies. We get along fine as adults. I’m also a little bummed because I’m enough older than him and I got married...
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    Questions for daycare mamas

    @bellamas The first 9 months he was sick constantly. I was also sick constantly as I was also pregnant. He had like 6 ear infections from getting colds in 4 months. Tubes improved his quality of life. 6 months in he brought home a stomach flu that took out whole family, my brother, and my...
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    Should I have a 4th child?

    @jonnobody Also an IVF mom. I really struggle with the decision with what to do with left over embryos. I don’t want to destroy them because I worked so hard to create them. I don’t want to donate them because I don’t want biological children out there that I don’t know. We’re transferring for a...
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    3am wide awake

    @cassy My now 3 year old went through a phase like this from 2-2.5. He would randomly wake up at 2am and not go back to sleep. It finally got better after getting tubes in his ears. I think his ears we just uncomfortable and full of fluid that he couldn’t sleep.