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  1. P

    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @mikecrb I agree. Parenting is much harder now. It was normal for my mom's generation for one spouse to stay home and take care of kids until they became more independent and school age. Now most families are dual income and not all women have mat leave benefits. For those women that do have mat...
  2. P

    Obsessing over this decision.

    @clare5890 We are OAD. I felt the pressure to have a second child was coming from societal expectations that I was putting on myself mostly. I was looking at other families with multiple kids around me and thought that was the norm as someone who also grew up with one sibling. Yes, I may be...
  3. P

    Obsessing over this decision.

    @jenny404 I can relate. I would say give yourself time and grace. I was in a similar situation and I was obsessing over making the decision to have a second child. As years went by, it became clearer to me what I wanted to do. It just came to my mind what I should do. Sure there is a risk of...