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    Why is Everyone Sick all the Time?

    @jeanette66 Same anecdotal experience here. We came out of COVID lockdown with our son starting daycare and I was sooo sick almost every time he caught something. The people around me also were constantly sick. This year seems like this has improved (not necessarily for my friends whose babies...
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    I’m not sure if I truly want another. Some days I’m content with one and other times I want one

    @tbvsthienloc2020 So far, my brother has two and he says he regrets having a second. While he loves his second kid, he's been unhappy with the situation ever since the youngest was born, especially since the older kid is still not coping super well with having a little sibling (they're 2.5 and 5...
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @aforgivenman My brother openly admits he would have preferred to stick to only one child and regrets giving in to his wife's pleas. He obviously says he doesn't regret the child themselves and that he loves them, but he wishes he had stopped at one.
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    Check out this thread to read how difficult 1 to 2 really is

    @ace111 I was told it's the work2
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    Managing new words at daycare (< 2 yrs old)

    @cassandra77 That is how it's done at our (German) daycare. My son gets German from me and English from my husband but they only speak German at daycare and have other multilingual children and just go with the flow. They don't "correct" the kids or anything. They just accept it as far as I have...
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    @adamnom My brother and his wife had a second when their first was 2.5. the first still isn't the biggest fan of their sibling and they genuinely wish they had stopped at one. Their lives have become infinitely harder and it has been three years since their second was born. So it isn't always...