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  1. H

    New dad here, please help. Seeking advice from those with experience in this situation. TIA

    @dreamer30 A word of encouragement for you from a mom that is getting back to breastfeeding. My baby is 10 weeks old and the initial stress from the c-section, and fighting everything else out was too much for me to be EBF along with dealing with tongue tie, supply issues, milk blebs, clogged...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @gaconvn Will do, I’ll update in a few days and let you know how it goes. Thank you all so much for being helpful and encouraging. Being a FTM is rough and sad to say, this is the best resource I’ve found yet for getting advice and help to navigate this beautiful dumpster fire called parenthood.
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    HELP: sleep training

    @gaconvn I did. She still tried to fall sleep on the bottle and after the bath wouldn’t sleep at all no matter what I tried and she went overtired for hours until we offered the next bottle. Then she zonked out despite our best efforts to keep her awake to put her down to fall sleep in the crib...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @gaconvn She almost always passes out on the bottle and if I try to keep her awake during the feed, she won’t settle down for sleep no matter how long we give it. Her record is 7.5 hours being awake in an overtired state from not being allowed to fall asleep on the bottle. Went through that hell...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @cookie1720 Thank you. I’ll shorten the naps during the day and fingers crossed this goes well!
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    HELP: sleep training

    @gaconvn Got it. Will shorten the daytime naps. The other moms is been talking to said 5 hours or under. I’m hopeful this will shift things. The hardest part is going to be getting my mom to comply as she watches our daughter when I work weekdays. If I work weekends hubby is with her and he’ll...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @soundofmusic Will do! This gives me hope and anxiety at the same time.
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    HELP: sleep training

    @zangella SECOND UPDATE: We have been consisted for the past 3 weeks (approximately) since I made this post. She now gets three hours or less during daytime naps and sometimes she only takes two naps. Her bedtime routine is now bottle, bath, book, and down into the crib she goes. We also took a...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @zangella Small update: today I let her take a 1.25 hr nap this AM 8:30-9:30am, a 1.5hr this afternoon from 2:15-3:45, and a 0.5hr from 4:45-5:15pm. I flipped the bedtime routine on its head and did bottle, bath, book, bed. She went down into the crib and within 20 minutes she fell asleep at...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @gaconvn Schedule: she is almost 6 months, weighs 14lbs I TRY TO LIMIT HER DAYTIME NAP TOTAL TO UNDER 5 HOURS (1.5 hrs, 2.5-3 hrs, and 0.5-1hr naps respectively during the day) 2am wake & feed (1-3oz) SLEEP 4am wake & feed (1-3oz) SLEEP 7am wake, diaper change, feed (5-6oz), play time 10am...
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    HELP: sleep training

    @john127 I’ll try this starting today. The hard part is going to be getting my mom to comply with the new routine.
  12. H

    HELP: sleep training

    SECOND UPDATE: We have been consisted for the past 3 weeks (approximately) since I made this post. She now gets three hours or less during daytime naps and sometimes she only takes two naps. Her bedtime routine is now bottle, bath, book, and down into the crib she goes. We also took a HUGE leap...
  13. H

    HELP: sleep training

    TLDR: we’ve tried EVERYTHING and baby will not be sleep trained. WTF AM I DOING WRONG?! HELP! My baby is a week away from being 6 months old. This is my first and baby was born on their due date but was very small (5lb 13oz) and needed tube feeding in NICU her first night and we fed her donor...