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    Clean Makeup Recs?

    @dwstamps tbh I don't go near "clean" makeup because most of it has shitty preservatives and it goes bad really quickly. I'm much more worried about bacterial contamination than a small amount of preservatives that may have an incredibly minor effect on my health.
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    Eating behavior in babies/toddlers - what to support, when to actively intervene?

    @son_of_belial Yep seconding that her work is exactly what you're looking for
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @hanakahiro Well, you CAN, you just shouldn't... *gets out a tiny thumb guillotine*
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @kagenonikki The stage makeup you wear for dance is mainly so people can see your face on stage. If you've ever seen someone on stage WITHOUT the over-the-top stage makeup, you'd know what I mean. Without it, the face is almost featureless - you can't see the lips or eyes well at all, especially...
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    Different recommendations for TDaP vaccinations?

    @elam84 I believe the reason is historical - before they knew the effect of vaccination during pregnancy and how protected the fetus was, they recommended cocooning. Now they have found the 28 week vaccination confers significant protection to the resulting baby, so cocooning isn't necessary...
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @annjro The research on SIDS risk reduction has it correlated if you offer the pacifier, not if he actually takes it. So you offer it at bedtime and then if he spits it back out nbd, just let it drop next to his head. It may be a correlation not causation thing but in case there is a causative...
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    Are there any other babies who never had a set schedule?

    @benedix I have a set schedule because it works well for us. Baby stopped napping out and about, in baby carrier or stroller, at around 2.5 months old - so we have to do naps either at home or set up a travel crib (he unfortunately has outgrown the stroller bassinet). So it's a lot easier to...
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    Pediatrician’s perspective on pumped breast milk

    @wiloftcnc There's no evidence for it. That's why you haven't come across any.
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 I think stressing about a recital that occurs once a year is the wrong move. Everyone else will have the blush and lipstick and you can just borrow it while there. I think you are getting very hung up on part of the experience that only occurs one day out of the entire year, and need...
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @zjmcdon98 There's this Cochrane review, among other metastudies -
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @crucker2 I've seen it speculated that even if it falls out, it's still in the crib and baby can bump into it which may slightly wake them up.
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    Baby rash/eczema

    @jack_sdb I don't know how the NHS works but is it possible you can see a pediatric allergist, or would you have to go through your GP for that? The best lotion I've ever found for eczema is Isdin Nutratopic Pro-AMP. It comes from the EU so is probably a lot easier for you to order than for me...
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @presvytera That's so baby. Of course.
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    The studies for the "50 ml breastmilk per day is enough to show benefits" claim?

    @jaenalyn Also worthwhile pointing out that in the PROBIT study, to quote - "at 6 months the rates of both exclusive (7.9% vs. 0.6%) and predominant (10.6% vs. 1.6%) breastfeeding were low."
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    is introducing a pacifier at all a good idea?

    @sh419ob Offering a pacifier for sleep decreases the risk of SIDS through unknown mechanisms - Pacifiers provide pain relief due to the sucking - (see above link) Pacifiers do not impact the success of breastfeeding...
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    Taking Cara Babies v Ferber

    @olamide Never heard of it
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @dropbear Yeah, and I think once you're in labor, duration of labor makes a difference - I was in labor at the hospital for 24 hours, and had what I felt was a fairly easy recovery, but I had a friend who gave birth around the same time who was in labor for FOUR DAYS whose recovery was way, way...
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    Breech baby, planned C Section, any benefits of going into labor before C Section?

    @tracyqueen I would absolutely not push the date to 42 weeks. C-sections after labor are rougher recovery than planned C-sections with no associated labor. Going longer risks your placenta giving out. Tbh I would schedule for 39 exactly or 39+1. Look up the ARRIVE study - not exactly...
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    Thoughts on cod liver oil supplement for baby?

    @warriorprincess4life This is hilarious! I can't even imagine wanting to do that, lol. Kids are wild!