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  1. M

    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @pergamum Not surprised, it’s the sense of entitlement
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    Awesome affordable nursing sports bra

    For any mamas planning to breastfeed, I just wanted to share that I found a very affordable nursing sports bra at Target that I basically live in...
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @energonwaffles Lol JAQing off, I like that. My husband’s theory when I relayed the story was that the guy just wanted an excuse to talk to me and did not give two fucks about the safety of babywearing.
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @shawngenecox It’s funny, my husband is always saying people are super aggressive with their carts there… at first u told him he was imagining it, but you are now the second person besides him to mention it!
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @livinggrace Yes! I thought about this as I was walking out the door lol. Not to mention that when my baby is in the jogging stroller I can’t see her at all unless I stop running, pull back the canopy, and lean over the top of the stroller. At least in a carrier I can feel her and easily see her...
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    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    I was in the checkout at Costco, wearing my one year old in an Ergo on my back.( I recently switched to back carrying because I’m about 11 weeks pregnant and was starting to get some back pain with the front carry.) An older white guy in line behind me said “Excuse me… I’m just wondering, how...