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  1. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @anakin_hollow 100% agree! I had a mentality of “relying on my training” going into the labor which is exactly what a have pre-races. 😊👌
  2. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @wartremover Definitely! There are so many factors at play and you as the momma can only control so many. Did my fitness determine that my cervix wouldn’t open? Nope. But, it did determine how I finished the labor and got my girl out safely and quickly without stressing her out even more.
  3. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @owen007421 That’s awesome! You so got this! Isn’t it amazing how “being fit for two” helps you stay on task? 😊
  4. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @frmfbbs I actually completely stopped bouldering dry early on (8 or 10 weeks) at husband’s request. We have a great rope area at our gym, so it wasn’t too big of a deal. I do have a friend that climbed up until delivery of her twins. Insane!
  5. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @katrina2017 Running and walking was my core. I ran until just shy of 35 weeks (I started having pelvic floor soreness). At first, I maintained about 15-20 miles per week, though that trickled down to three or four 2 mile runs per week. I normally run on hilly trails, but stopped running them...
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    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @roderobin Until about 28 weeks. Granted, I wasn’t doing anything hilly or rocky after week 20 or so. I completed a very flat trail 5k race at week 27 and that was my last trail run. And I totally did fall on trail. I tripped on a tiny rock and, simply because of my new center of gravity, I...
  7. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @roderobin Hell ya! That is my go-to for trail races and the occasional labor.
  8. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @justmeinoregon My understanding is it all comes down to calories and water. I know I suck at eating enough, so drink mixes help me get the calories I need. I’ve also been focusing on getting 2-3 servings of oats per day and making my calories count. So far, I have no issue producing enough, but...
  9. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @justmeinoregon Each serving contains 250ish calories, so I was having a serving every 3-4 hours and just sipping it continuously. Normally, I only use this after races or double digit mileage days just because it is so caloric. I originally only brought two servings to the hospital, but ended...
  10. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @justmeinoregon No added caffeine in the Recovery one, though I suppose there may have been a nominal amount from the cocoa. I didn’t have trouble dozing here and there. :)
  11. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @justmeinoregon Just make sure it’s Tailwind Recovery! That’s the one with complete protein and fats plus the carbs for energy. Bonus: it’s absolutely delicious. 😂
  12. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    @joanna24 Honestly, I had doubts myself. Especially on paper, it looks crazy. Being sick definitely increases the difficulty of everything, so don’t be too hard on yourself! At least you know for next time, if there is one. :)
  13. R

    Birth Story: I had a 42 hour labor that ended in a vaginal birth. If I didn’t stay fit, though, it would have been very different

    I know that many woman here are able to say they had a 4-8 hour labor that they credit to their fitness. I want to give a perspective of what happens when shit hits the fan and how fitness is even more important in those circumstances. My waters broke at 3:40am on May 22nd. I was GSB positive...