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  1. S

    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler Have a spot to put baby down everywhere you hang out at. We had the bedroom crib, office pack and play, living room pack and play, dining room swing, and bathroom rocking chair. I tell her "it's hard being only 5 months old and hungry and having to wait" or "and being put in...
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    Struggling with ST culture

    @gracesavedmess When she gets bigger I wouldn't mind her sleeping in bed with us. I slept with my mom until I was like 11.
  3. S

    Struggling with ST culture

    @riseup We don't sleep train, and right now, my three and a half month old sleeps a solid 8 to 10 hours at night, with one wake up for a bottle about 3 am. We started a bedtime routine early in her life. Around 6 pm its bottle, bath, lavender lotion, and rocking her until she is asleep. If...
  4. S

    Too affectionate with toddler?

    @milaj I'm kind of like you. I hate most physical contact, except with my husband and 4 month old daughter. I always reach for him in some way every time I pass him in the house. But my daughter? Holding her is my favorite. We are doing a contact nap right now and it will probably last an...