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  1. K

    Am I wrong?

    @saved1970 We went on a family holiday when mine were that age. It was great as more hands to help, but it was also stressful as it wasn't baby safe. It was also only a short flight, but it was still so exhausting. I was still breastfeeding too, and my other half was shocked how many times i had...
  2. K

    Pregnant with twins and devastated

    @coolguy123 I just wanted to say I cried and cried when I found out. I couldn't even go back to work that day. All I could do was think of the negatives. I agree with the posts that are recommending therapy. I really wish I had spoken to someone, in retrospect, I wish I hadn't spent the...
  3. K

    2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting

    @mesosearch I just want to say it sounds like you are doing a Stella Job. Well done. I did a parenting course in the UK. One thing she suggested was a joint reward pasta jar instead of separate charts, as it encourages team work over competition. They love it. Also, praise praise praise when...