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  1. J

    F*&! daylight savings

    @frogprof Yes Edit: fuck it to all hell
  2. J

    Family making inappropriate comments about my baby

    @f8th60 Yes! Threatening gives then a chance to respond, to argue. But just doing it and being firm and clear about why you're doing it in the same moment that it's happening completely takes control of the situation and established OP as the one who gets to decide (which they rightfully are...
  3. J

    Easy activities that I can do with my 3.5 yo

    @ronna Yes OP, as a mum with a toddler and a 5 month old I can say that getting your 3.5 year old to play independently now will be a gift to your future self (and a gift to them! Don't want them to feel like you can't play as much because of the baby, even though that's true lol).