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  1. N

    Suggestions on 50/50 schedules. Dad purposely got fired to start a food business

    @stevish74 You need to call a family law attorney and get a child support order. Now, because then child support will be based on his salary at his previous job. The court doesn't just let you blow off your kid because you want to start a business, and tons of people do it just to try to get...
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    Husband is furious with me

    @bedia Stop doing his laundry. This is a problem that will affect only him. He can learn to do laundry.
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    Ex wants son to travel to TX from IL and I don’t, am I overreacting?

    @jeniforjesus Refuse and offer dad make up time later when the virus is not so prevalent.
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    @jigster >I figured that he has unknowingly selected that date as his designated celebration day for his daughter. No. An extra day is an extra day. Sunday is already his day and the fact that he doesn't want to give it up for your extra day due to a birthday does not turn it into his extra...
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    Bringing up the custody EVERY single time we communicate

    @birdie1214 I agree with other comments about moving to only texts or email. In addition, I recommend that you have one and only one response to any questions or comments from him about custody. "I intend to follow the judge's order." Repeat that, and only that, whenever he brings up the...