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  1. M

    Waiting but not hopeful

    @grace2thehumble I’m sorry to hear that
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    Well I started bleeding a bit on Sunday and the ER doc said to plan for the worst. My HCG is going down very slowly. Guess it’s done.
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @christlovesuperwax Sorry to hear you’re in this boat. I guess I can’t say with certainty that I was ovulating I was doing OPKs so they did peak around the 17/18th day but I wasn’t tracking BBT. I have been seeing people saying that they get through it by saying I’m pregnant today and tomorrow...
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @taxidermy It really is hard with the history and the wait combined it’s difficult not to go to the worst case scenario
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @endureforever These are the stories that are keeping me afloat! Thank you for sharing!
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @grace2thehumble Oh good a few days up is better than nothing! Fingers crossed for you as well!
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @grace2thehumble I’m sorry you’re in the same boat. The 13th is so far as well!
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    @derlutheraner It really is terrible. It’s nice that you are able to go in this week. I hope everything goes well for you!
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    Waiting but not hopeful

    I had an ectopic last August that was resolved by MTX in September. I’m 9 w 3 days and had an ultrasound a week ish ago at 8w 1 day and was expecting to hear a heartbeat and see the baby. Instead I saw an empty gestational sac and was told I’m measuring around 6 w 5 days and they’d refer to an...