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  1. P

    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @brobrendan I didn’t know that community existed and honestly it does make me feel better!
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @promethius9594 I debate about it with myself almost everyday 😔 unfortunately I only have one week left. I’m holding out some hope that when we fix his oral ties he might transfer better?
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @aturtle My husband was just saying this today, that at the end of the day I wanted to breastfeed for the bonding/enjoyment of it so I should focus on that and if I have to supplement on top, so what? It’s hard getting over the “I’m not enough” mindset but I agree I’m getting in my own way of...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @aturtle Thank you for sharing. My stress and anxiety have been through the roof these past three months. I think I just need to come to some place of acceptance so maybe that does look like accepting combo feeding for us. I think the uncertainty of “Will this ever work?” And “is he getting...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @addisonleigh Thank you for the suggestions. The manual pumps never worked great for me though 😔 I try to eat a lot of protein and stay hydrated but I could always be better!
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @sadcdmom I’m so sorry things haven’t worked out the way you wanted but you sound like you’re killing it! A mom of three 👏👏👏 Honestly that schedule sounds a lot more reasonable than what I’m currently doing, and since I go back to work in a week I know I’ll have to tone it down. I’m glad to hear...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @marineskok I’m sorry you had to go through all of that as well. I wish I could give you a hug and let you know that I understand what you’ve gone through and it sucks. I’m glad you made it work eventually though even if one boob didn’t comply!
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @dakota08 It’s not the most efficient and without a pumping bra I still lost a lot of milk to the couch but it was something at least 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @dakota08 Thank you for saying this, so are you ❤️ being nap trapped is so real, but also so sweet. Have you tried just pumping one side at a time so you don’t have to move?
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @jabez74 Thank you ❤️ I’m so glad you and your little one are doing so well now. You are completely right!
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @harrison19 Thank you so much for sharing 💕It’s crazy the difference in information available today vs back then. My mom and stepmom informed me that I and all three of my sisters were formula fed because neither could produce enough milk. I have to imagine there were some other factors at play...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @francis22 I’m so sorry 😞 I think there will always be things we moms regret and wish we could go back and change, but she is a happy and fed baby now and you did what you thought was best with the knowledge you had. The first couple weeks is such a whirlwind with so much information being...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @francis22 Ugh I’m sorry you went through something similar but congratulations on getting your supply up! Even when I EP for the day I can barely get more than 18 oz. Can I ask why you regret having her tie clipped?
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    @cindia I wish I could give you a big hug. It’s so hard to find people who really understand what we’re going/gone through, so I appreciate you sharing on here. That is so sweet your little one still wants to latch and spend that time with you. At this point I’m inclined to agree about formula...
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    Breastfeeding Destroying Me Emotionally

    My LO will be 12 weeks tomorrow. I’m looking for some support or hope or any kind of guidance or advice at this point. Our journey started out with a very long induced labor which led to an unplanned c section. Post surgery my blood pressure dropped so low I was basically passing out and...