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  1. P

    How is everyone’s 6-7 month old sleeping? Want to make sure we aren’t on an island with LO

    @banlawya Mine rarely slept long stretches by herself until she was 13 months old. So contact naps it was. By long stretch I mean 1-2 hours. She wakes up every 2-3 hours at night. Never once she slept through the night. And by that I mean 6 hours straight. Not a real full night. She is 15mo now...
  2. P

    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 On good nights she wakes 3-4 times. On bad nights it’s 8-10 ish. Sometimes I have to rock or nurse back to sleep every hour or so before midnight. Then second part of the night usually is better. It’s harder on my moral than on my body actually. Body is fine, as long as I go to sleep...
  3. P

    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 Mine never did longer than 3 hours stretches except maybe twice in her lifetime when she did 5-6 hours. She is 13mo. Your body eventually gets used to it. Co-sleeping saved our life though.