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  1. H

    When did your wife start to feel kicks?

    @davidspetri I felt nothing at all until 21 weeks and now he somersaults constantly all night
  2. H

    am i running too much to conceive?

    @sahabds Hey just chiming in on the iron part. I’ve been vegetarian for 19 years/vegan for 11 and have always gotten my iron from spinach smoothies & have never had issues with anemia- but after getting pregnant I added these in to cover all my bases:
  3. H

    Did y’all take breaks during pregnancy?

    And if so, do we think there’s a risk when you start back up? I’m at 35 weeks currently, pre-preg I worked out 3-4 x a week lifting + cardio. During pregnancy it’s been on and off due to fatigue and moving into a new house, but I’ve made sure to go 1-2 x a week. However I’ve taken 3 weeks off...