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  1. S

    6 weeks old, and I’m ready to crumple

    @griffin71 Can you and your spouse do shifts? It's what we did and made it possible! We each got a 4 hour chunk of sleep which bodies need. I would go to bed in our room around 9. He would stay up or sleep on couch while baby was in pak n play in living room. Around 2, he would put baby in his...
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    baby slept 11-12 hours straight, up until 12 months, now wakes up once every night crying

    @minilla Agree with going back to two naps until closer to 18 months. Babies/toddlers go through phases of sleep resistance , FOMO, (and of course teething) etc. but it doesn't mean they're ready to drop a nap. Keep the schedule and routine the same as see if that helps. Assuming she's...
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    @malleeboy Lots of people do disposables overnight. We do. So that is an option if it's stressing you out!
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    Mother’s affection at 8 months predicts emotional distress in adulthood

    @jesrdking Do I need to kiss my baby 1,000 times a day or 10,000? I mean it's probably closer to 100,000 kisses a day but I want to be sure.