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    Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?

    @gupta I guess my fun pre TTC list is my everyday life without kids. Like staying up till midnight playing video games, eating edibles and going to a house parties are just weekend events for us.
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    Does anyone else have a BBB List? The "Before Baby Bucket List"?

    @gupta Our list including having jobs that were careers, buying a home or at least having a stable residence, twice a year (at least) traveling/vacation, being in a financial situation where all bills can be paid with one of our incomes. Those were our big ones and in general building a secure...
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    It's Survey Time - TFAB Demographics and Sub Feedback

    @tcapo26 You can have multiple LH surges in a cycle and an LH surge dies not necessarily mean ovulation. If you have 2 LH surges it does not mean you multiple cycle w one period@ I would see your OB regarding bleeding for 25 days.
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    It's Survey Time - TFAB Demographics and Sub Feedback

    @tcapo26 Can you recall the number of times you have had your period? That would be the number of cycles you have had.
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    Stuff I now worry about in "trying" mode

    @nickkhun23 I started ntnp, moved to temping and charting and it wasn't till a few months of that when I found TFAB. Even then it was incredibly intimidating how knowledgeable the women were. I think I spent a good month or so just lurking. Now I'm here, there, everywhere. I'm waiting to IVF...
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    General Chat 12/5

    @sunshine100 I'm the same way.
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    General Chat 12/5

    @sunshine100 I'm finding so much of TTC is forcing yourself to be optimistic and focusing on silver linings.
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    General Chat 12/5

    @sunshine100 Boo being trolled but yay ovulation!!
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    X-P from stilltrying: surgery scheduled for ~O-1: what to do?

    @jmjm It depends on the type of surgery. You should really talk to your surgeon and RE.
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    "Are Hot Tubs safe for TTC?" and other heat related questions

    @kevintristan I don’t think your cat can heat your husband’s testes to these temps
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    General Chat 12/5

    @ka__f There was a colored dress code requirement? This is like the requirement to wear black to bachelorette parties. I'm bringing a gift, spending tons of money on the person and probably taking time away from something else. Please don't also tell me what to wear.
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @parkertrace I don't think that could explain these results. A lab error would be more likely than this. This would just result in lower numbers but not a complete 0.
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    S-M-E-P F-A-I-L

    @resurgam I'm sorry for your loss. I thought our libidos were good and mine gets higher when I have more sex but SMEP was sooooo difficult especially since I o around CD18-22. Sometimes I read about sex every day of a cycle and it makes me tired.
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @profsanctvs Nope. No difference and I've had maaaany partners prior
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    Which one?

    @iheartmacsgaydiack I wouldn’t do either. Maybe look into an apt w an RE if you want to take the next steps.
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @profsanctvs Yeah his vas deferens is completely blocked and he was born that way.
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @profsanctvs Know what was possible?
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    Am I pregnant?

    @bman10123 How did you find out you have unexplained infertility if you haven’t seen a doctor?
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @tombaux Same on the condoms and about same amount of time. So much money wasted!
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    Holy shit, I might be sterile..

    @tombaux We definitely freaked out but more in like a "HA HA HA HA WHAT?!"