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  1. T

    When are you getting to spend time with your babies?

    @eric1844 I was in tax consulting before I left and I am now in a tax controversy/litigation role. I moved pretty early into my career (at about 2 years) and I have been in government for about 5 years. Because it was so early in my career it wasn't a huge pay cut (maybe 10-15%), but I certainly...
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    When are you getting to spend time with your babies?

    @eric1844 I left private practice and went government.
  3. T

    What kind of car do you drive?

    @olaitan Toyota Sienna and it is the best car I have ever owned. I have a 5 year old, a 2 years, and am due in August with #3. The van makes everything so easy. There is space for everything and it is super comfortable. I know people generally aren't van fans, but it really is the perfect car...
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    Has anyone been a SAHM during the day while husband is at work and then gone to work in the evenings? How did it work out for you?

    @lesbian5eva This is going to vary depending on where you baby is developmentally. It will be a lot more doable after the first six months/whenever your baby starts consistently sleeping through the night.
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    3 Months at Daycare, 6 Bites - Am I overreacting?!

    @chithirairaj Our biting policy starts after 3, when it is clearly malicious and intentional. At less than 2 it is still an unfortunate, but normal, part of development :(