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  1. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @johndoe7643 Thank you! :)
  2. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @bodyandblood They just called and they're an hour away so now us wives are just waiting to see if they're Ok :P just sucks that they had to cut their trip short. But they'll get to participate in the feast we're going to make so... yay? XD (I'm not gonna lie, I'm excited he's almost home :))
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    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @yessina Hahahaha, yeah it was between that and Vincent Michael but I didn't want people to call him Vinny. First thing that people said when we said we were going to name him Vincent? "Vinny!" :P so we went with choice #2 instead :)
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    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @bodyandblood I know my husband is probably really disappointed. :( they've been planning this trip for over 4 months and dropped a lot of money on gear (they had to start from scratch since they've never been wilderness camping with lightweight gear). It's literally all he's talked about...
  5. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @rhavon Thank you and no problem!
  6. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @dne Thank you!
  7. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @bodyandblood Right?! When she said she was making bbq and an apple dessert, I was like I'm in! XD Though it looks like that plan might be out now. I just got a text that our husband's are heading back early from their camping trip (looks like her husband hurt his foot somehow?). :/ so we'll...
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    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @bassinhunter Thanks K :)
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    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @admjen Hahahaha, we've never made them before so I hope they're good! :)
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    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @vsw874 Thank you and no problem!
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    PP Update! 12/7/14-1/30/15 (Also a PSA on Potty time)

    @mosherjosh I'm not trying to bash the nurses. What I am saying was that there was a disregard for a patient's symptoms and no follow up done to see if there was an underlying issue. Telling someone "Oh you're fine" when there's clearly something not right going on (seriously, if you can't...
  12. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @londonamanixo Thank you and no problem!
  13. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    @jacknife Not currently shopping (trying to eat through the food we've got). Made lasagna tonight for dinner (even though I made a small pan for me and my friend who's 34 weeks, we barely dented it. I forgot that both of us are eating like birds lately :P me because I still get randomly queasy...
  14. J

    [Birth Update] Miles is here!

    @littlemelittleu2 Yaaay!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats mama! :D
  15. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @godscheeseball Thank you and no problem! :)
  16. J

    PP Update! 12/7/14-1/30/15 (Also a PSA on Potty time)

    @unbakedpegga Call the hospital and ask to speak to a patient rep. Tell them that you complained about symptoms and the nurses told you it was normal. As a result, you ended up with a massive kidney and bladder infection and an ER visit later. They need to know that their nurses aren't checking...
  17. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @kaieraai No problem :) And thank you!
  18. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @hisgirl I dunno if it helped you at all to read that, but hopefully it did :) Essentially, just keep in mind that everything works out in the end, whether it goes the way you intended it or not :P
  19. J

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @johnboy99 I'm actually surprised that she's not getting the vaccination... I thought if you work in the medical field, you're required to get vaccinated? (At least, that's the way it is here in GA... My friend works for a hospital and it's mandatory to sign up for a time slot to go into a...
  20. J

    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @cordlessvacuumcleaner I just remembered thinking that at the time and it just fit what happened so perfectly XD