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    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @kate2018 Having been the kid who slightly traumatized his dad with screaming while a broken arm is being reset, your daughter likely won't remember this. Not because of her age, but the meds they give for that process block traumatic memory. I personally remember my arm bending like a camel's...
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    Graduation Day! Scheduled C-Section at 35+3

    @cr0cus Posted above! :)
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    Graduation Day! Scheduled C-Section at 35+3

    @faze Update posted above! :)
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    Graduation Day! Scheduled C-Section at 35+3

    @ryantee Thank you! Update posted above! :)
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    Graduation Day! Scheduled C-Section at 35+3

    U P D A T E: My first child, Eleanor, was born on February 14th at 8:09am. She was 35+3 gestation. The scheduled c-section went off without a hitch. My wife was awake and mostly comfortable through the entire procedure, which lasted about 45 minutes. She scored 8 on both APGAR tests, weighed...
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    Graduation Day! Scheduled C-Section at 35+3

    My wife has had preeclampsia since 26 weeks, and in the hospital since 33+3. Two full weeks later, and our baby girl is going to be delivered this morning at 7:30am. This is our first child, so it's pretty intimidating, but we're really excited too. U P D A T E I N C O M M E N T S