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    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @number3 Ah ok makes sense. I would only pump to relieve the pressure, any more and you’re just encouraging/keeping up an oversupply. Having someone else feed the baby is definitely nice but I’ve always pumped whenever baby ate to keep up my supply. I do nurse on demand but it’s always been...
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    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @roguefriar That’s how I did it too! Only 3 kids so far though. I think breastfeeding is actually easier than formula with so many little kids because you don’t have to deal with bottles. I’m not sure why OP is needing to pump
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    Breast feeding 3rd with 3 u 3

    @jack871 I’m not who you asked but I have the exact same age gaps and nurse in my ergobaby Omni 360 all the time, it’s great. Used it with my 2nd as well
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    Age gap between #2 and #3?

    @gloryuntohim We are on track to have similar age gaps - #1 and #2 are 20 months apart and #2 and #3 will be 22 months apart once he arrives in January. We’re hoping for a #4 in a similar time frame assuming 3 kids isn’t too much for us 😅 This is kind of specific but did you use a double...
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ognerd If it makes you feel better, we thought the Highlander was our perfect kids car too and that the 3rd row would be so useful lol. There’s just a lot you don’t know till you’re in a situation, especially when it comes to kids
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ognerd That’s awesome! I was very anti minivan pre kids but honestly we all love it now. You can’t beat the space, comfort, sliding doors etc. it will be a LONG time before we get something new. My husband even uses it to haul stuff from Home Depot
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ognerd This is not the answer you’re looking for but we traded our highlander for a minivan for this exact reason. When the 3rd row is up your trunk is absolutely useless it’s so small. And getting back there is super difficult with car seats in the second row. We have a 2016 Honda odyssey...
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    Schedule with three littles?

    @weareneveralone This is almost exactly what we did when my girls were 9 months and just over 2 (we just woke at 7 so pushed an hour basically). We honestly still do this just without the baby naps because they’re 3.5 and 20 months, but we’re due next month with baby #3 and my plan was to go...
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    Toyota Highlander w/ 3 Qs!

    @ktfw I have an odyssey so it may be different but do you mind explaining what you mean about the rear latch for forward facing? Our kids are currently all rear facing so I don’t know much about forward facing the car seat, but baby #3 will be here in January for us so we are planning to turn...
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    3+ Kids, Trying in our 30s

    @veganhippie Ours is actually not through the school system it’s mostly through daycares. It’s through the state though, that all kids can go to free pre-k. There is a small fee for after care if you need full day coverage (pre-k only goes till 2:30) but it’s very little compared to daycare cost
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    3+ Kids, Trying in our 30s

    @veganhippie We technically started in our 20’s so not exactly what you’re asking, but had our first at 28, second a few weeks before turning 30 and third at 31. So oldest was 3.5 when the youngest was born. My main point is that 8-10 years is plenty of time to have 3-4 kids if you end up...
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    How to reintroduce baby carrier to 2 y/o?

    @spingle We actually did this over the summer with our 3 year old. We used our ergobaby carrier in the backpack position and specifically called it a piggy back ride to make her more interested (and it worked). I don’t think it would have worked long term but the novelty/short period of time...