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  1. L

    Does it ever get better?

    @upitnik Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to write all of this for me I appreciate it so much 🖤
  2. L

    Does it ever get better?

    @spreadingthegoodword Yea my best friend said I looked like the main character so I ended up watching it before I got pregnant and now it seems even more concurrent to my life lol
  3. L

    Does it ever get better?

    @spreadingthegoodword I definitely bedshare and have since she was little but she still wakes a lot and has trouble falling back to sleep. Sometimes it’ll take hours in the rocking chair to get her back to sleep
  4. L

    Does it ever get better?

    I’m a single mom of a 9 month old and I’ve been alone since before I had my daughter. I love her so so so much and I’d do anything for her but it’s so hard. I have no family except my sister I see once a week for a few hours, all my friends live in different states and the father is just a...