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  1. R

    My 8 y/o daughter came out as bi but she doesn’t understand what the means and I need advice

    @raptureman2020 My first time questioning my gender was 3-4 years old. Questioned my sexuality at 7. I didn't "understand" but I knew. Kids need more credit than they're given. If they have these thoughts now, it's a good idea to prepare them for the onslaught of negative attention it's going to...
  2. R

    Is it selfish to have kids with large age gaps, 10+ years?

    @aog17 My in-laws have a 10 year gap from their first to second. They're alright now but in the beginning it was rough because the oldest one didn't take to the change well. They had to get him into therapy. Kiddo was used to being the star of the show and getting moved to second place while the...