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  1. W

    Twin B 1 week behind at 10 week scan

    @kwesituff Dunno about if baby B is head down. He basically said that Baby B's position doesn't matter.
  2. W

    Twin B 1 week behind at 10 week scan

    @kwesituff That's good to hear. So I guess we'll just look to see how they keep tracking. They've given us a follow up ultrasound tomorrow to go through with a doctor rather than the sonographer. If it is insignificant, it is kinda a good outcome for me. I hope to have a vaginal birth if...
  3. W

    Twin B 1 week behind at 10 week scan

    I just had my 10 week ultrasound, and twin B is measuring at 9 weeks. Twin A is measuring at 10 weeks, as expected. My twins are di/di from two eggs implanted via IVF, so there's no chance of a different gestational age. Both had heart rates of around 170-180bpm. Has anyone else had one twin...