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  1. S

    12.5 yo won’t stay home with me

    @edisaved64 Ty
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    12.5 yo won’t stay home with me

    @indian72 That’s usually the way it works during the school year. And basically what I said to her in the past. But what happens is she’s there and I get a text about spending another night and then another. And it snowballs. The grandma is a retired widow who makes herself completely available...
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    12.5 yo won’t stay home with me

    @monstershouter Thanks. I agree. But also want her to spend time with friends and grandparents. I’ll be better about reinforcing rules.
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    12.5 yo won’t stay home with me

    Should I force my 12.5F to spend days with me that legally belong to me? Her other parent and I share custody, but for several weeks now she’s spending more and more time with her grandmother, in the same city where we live. We took a vacation together for a week and she wanted me to drop her...