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  1. B

    Check my first purchase please

    @empta Good point, I will keep that in mind. I ll maybe end up doing just 10 diapers instead to be sure.
  2. B

    Check my first purchase please

    @jibs oh darn, here I was thinking that anything 8 lbs and up would be ok lol. I will look into the sunbabys, thx
  3. B

    Check my first purchase please

    @barneycottontop Thanks for the input. I have been reading up on the covers which seems like a good idea as well. From experience will that be a bit better for me? I will be getting the diapers for around 2.50, so not too worried about the resale value too much.
  4. B

    Check my first purchase please

    @rohzek Thanks for the info. I will check out diaperswappers for sales.
  5. B

    Check my first purchase please

    @dj97 Thanks for the info. Its really easy to go a bit overboard, since I have not done this before. So if I do end up ordering as many I will do way less, probably the 24 as you suggest. I hadnt even thought about having 2 pail liners. :p
  6. B

    Check my first purchase please

    Ok, I need help CD. I am placing an order for Alva diapers through a co-op and to save on shipping etc, I want to be sure I get everything right. Please let me know if I am purchasing the right amount. Also I am expecting an over average size baby, my last two were 10 lbs 3 oz and 8 lbs 11 oz...