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  1. G

    14 year old brother is very stubborn

    @kris8585 Yea, being too hard on him totally backfired. For now, only my mom checks on him occasionally, the rest of us decided to just be there for him in case he needs help with homework. We've always had problems showing each other how much we care, so we just scream at each other. But, we...
  2. G

    14 year old brother is very stubborn

    @kris8585 Oh, I never thought about it this way. Well, I gotta talk about this with my parents and my siblings to focus more on the present time for my brother instead of what he should be when he grows up. I guess my brother is the same in some way. As you said, different times :/
  3. G

    14 year old brother is very stubborn

    Hello everyone, I have a 14 year old brother who is extremely stubborn. This is starting to cause a problem with communication between us and him. The main challenge that we're facing right now is that he doesn't want to study at all. He reached the point where he hates studying. We have...