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    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    @joben This is interesting to me. I definitely do both, I make myself available to my kids. I do drop what I'm doing. Other times I just go "I get it, it's hard to leave" as I escort them out. I do not think of myself as extreme. We also have done some time outs when behavior is not...
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    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    @kemar Dr Becky also is not a trained child therapist. She's an adult therapist who decided to work backwards from her experience with adults in therapy. She openly says this. The problem is the population you're starting with are people who struggled as kids. You're not dealing with a...
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    Parent Child Coercive Cycle Vs attachment/gentle parenting?

    @acuriousgirl IMO kids need a little of both. I'm a big fan of the whole Brain child, avoiding punishment and rewards, etc. I don't think behaviorist ideas work if that's what you're exclusively doing. I also know behaviorism works. I've been through a type of behavriost therapy that changed my...
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @graceie Does OP see all that money? Bc he could not actually be picking up shifts. Or it could be someone at work. Not going to say that’s what it is but I would question it.
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @ceebox This was my first thought. My ex always accused me of cheating and I thought it was so weird. Turns out it was him cheating on me.
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    My baby can’t sleep without my nipple in her mouth and I’m losing my sanity

    @brendang The mam was clutch with my first. I slipped my nip out and the mam in in one swooping motion and he never noticed! Eventually he could grab the binky in his crib and put it back in his mouth.
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    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @maebee_so I’m an ED social worker. Currently at two hospitals. I cry all the time on my way home. Crying helps move me through my feelings and i find it to be just what i need to reset sometimes. When the pager goes off for a peds trauma, sometimes I call my husband or childcare provider before...
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    Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

    @person47 3 kids. I lie by omission. They say “where is baby sleeping?” And I say, “we have a 3 sided cosleeper next to our bed.” Did I say she slept there? No lol. But we have it. I’ve worked with pediatricians and in an ER. I know how wacky they can be about these things. So I just don’t...
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    SAHM Funk

    @leticia1995 Happens to the best of us. You don’t suck. You just haven’t been having your own needs met in a long time. When I feel this way the first thing I do is call my best friend and say help me I’m checked out. And she’ll usually say me too 😂 but it’s my sign to back off being super mom...
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    How can I get my 8 month old sleeping in his crib? WITHOUT crying it out

    @galatians220lyric I have had 3 cosleeping babies who all slept in their cribs by 8 months without CIO. The key is goooo sloooow. It's the long haul. Try one transition at a time. Maybe at first he starts the night in his crib. I have a 15 minute rule. Try for 15 minutes to get him to settle in...