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    Baby Luke's birth story (x-posted to CBTB2)

    @jerzy12 Muse! You're a mama! This is a fantastic birth story - I read every word. :P Can't wait to see more updates on FB and soon on CBTB2. Congratulations, my dear!
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    Had first U/S and I'm a little worried d/t baby being smaller than expected..

    @hopeisjoyful My first ultrasound I also expected to be 7+3, but measured at 6+5 with a HR of 127. The tech said that we probably just conceived later than we thought, but I knew what my dates were. Plus I had been out of town. So unless we immaculately conceived when I was two states away...
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    Our simple public announcement. :)

    On Saturday at 15+2, we finally put out a Facebook announcement! I had been stressing for weeks about how to do it, and finally just had to figure out something because people who knew were starting to ask how much longer they had to keep their traps shut. We kept it basic, and actually the...