Had first U/S and I'm a little worried d/t baby being smaller than expected..


New member
My LMP was 10/16 and I conceived 11/3 (CD 19). I'm supposed to be 7weeks 3 days. Baby only measured 6w 4days, but HR was 128. I'm really confused and feeling a little concerned. I go back in 2 weeks for a second ultrasound (they said so they can get a better idea of the due date). Any thoughts?
@hopeisjoyful My first ultrasound I also expected to be 7+3, but measured at 6+5 with a HR of 127. The tech said that we probably just conceived later than we thought, but I knew what my dates were. Plus I had been out of town. So unless we immaculately conceived when I was two states away...

The classic 'dates must be off' advice is definitely valid if you weren't tracking ovulation, BDing, etc. But if you were, keep in mind that these tests are always subject to a bit of human error. That early, the difference from one day to the next can be just fractions of a millimeter, and you're relying on a tech to get the markers in exactly the right spot.

By the time my NT scan came around, I should've been 13+5 according to the original scan. But I was measuring 14+1. A definite swing back toward what I knew to be the conception range. I really wouldn't worry about it at this stage. It can feel scary, but the chances are huge that everything is just fine. :)
@hopeisjoyful I don’t have any thoughts. This is really scary, but maybe you ovulated late or baby implanted late? It’s hard to say.. you’ll just have to wait. I’m hoping you have a good outcome.