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  1. E

    When did first trimester hit you?

    @pasha0672 5 weeks and 1 day, which I remember because it was the day after Thanksgiving. I'm 10w1d now and I feel like I'm finally starting to get some energy back, but I've gotten winded walking upstairs for the last five weeks. but you might not get hit with exhaustion at all! it's so hard to...
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    8 weeks pregnant - first ob appt today - kinda freaking out

    @angelfairy my weight/height ratio isn't too far off from yours and the only thing my OB has mentioned once is they don't want to see a ton of weight gain, they had me do the gestational diabetes test early (fine, I could be naturally fat because if how my body processes insulin, that feels like...
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    @thundergirl96 my OB office said at my 6 week scan that it's standard practice to do both external and internal ultrasounds when it's early, regardless of weight. they should be able to see a little jelly bean shaped blob on the screen, and see the heartbeat - I don't believe it will be baby...
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    Glucose testing

    @jacob1996 I got the red drink and it was basically just sweet fruit punch. the worst part was being bored waiting the hour until the blood draw!
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    TTC When Overweight

    @magicalmoons I'm right in your ballpark weight wise (5'7" and about 215lbs at conception) and it took us 7 months to get a viable pregnancy. to my understanding there's no studies that show weight loss equals decreased time to conception. and there's tons of skinny people who take as long if...
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    Seeking advice - staying active- 8 weeks

    @onepeter315 same, I'm in New England. lots of layers are the only thing that work and even then it's rough! very ready for spring!! I'm glad I don't have to deal with winter maternity gear though.
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    Seeking advice - staying active- 8 weeks

    @onepeter315 I'm very grateful for my dog who kept me walking for about an hour each day during the first trimester exhaustion! Could you try a walking pad or something, get in 30-60 minutes of walking? It will pass though, I promise! I just hit second trimester today and I have so much more energy.
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    Apps say belly might start to feel firm (9W), but doesn’t with the extra fluff

    @onlyway019 about 13/14 weeks, but it's not consistent - it's firmer at night, and usually only if I'm standing.