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  1. W

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff Yes. We were dying with ours when he would only sleep 8 hours total in a day around that age, with barely 1 nap during the entire day. Pediatrician just shrugged and said it was fine. And it eventually passed. What helped us was making sure he was full, baby wearing and changing the...
  2. W

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff I recall one night where he fussed from 7pm to 3am straight. I was going insane. Ended up giving up and leaving him in the crib, thinking mom could take him if he didn't stop. Somehow he fell asleep. It was a miracle.
  3. W

    6 week old won’t be fed/rocked to sleep and won’t contact nap

    @ptimhoff He's a newborn, it's normal and it will pass. Just try to survive this part.
  4. W

    Anyone with postpartum preeclampsia or preeclampsia have low milk supply?

    @mortuary My wife had postpartum pre-e and had very low supply immediately after birth. Our baby is also a very hungry baby that is on the high end of the intake spectrum. We supplemented with formula starting from 3 days after birth. She pumped a LOT, both directly after feedings and between...