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  1. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @torah1st2019 YES! So bad! You can actually see it in the graph I posted at the end, that's why my distance sucked so much Jan/Feb/Mar in 2019! It went away like someone flipped a switch when I hit the second trimester though. Do what you have to to make it through the first tri. For me, this...
  2. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @orlen yeah, gaining over 40lb was NOT my plan lol. It'll work out!
  3. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @joelightening I only ever bouldered stuff I knew I could top that didn't go very high (and only then, because I missed it SOO much!) Little did I know that I wouldn't really be able to do it PP either lol, my fingers are going to be garbage when I get back! Yeah, top rope was the best during...
  4. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @joyseeker16 Bouldering is less safe, but actual roped in climbing is one of the safest thing you can do while pregnant! My gym even had a specific pregnancy harness that you could use for free :)
  5. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @cheshire12134 I do love a good graph.
  6. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @shaulhatarsi urgh, I LOATHED being pregnant because I never knew what my body was going to do. I kept telling my husband it was like someone handed me a different operating system, and after 30 years of knowing what my body does in regards to exercise, sleep, eating food ect it all of a sudden...
  7. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @glittergirl123 Thanks! I really hated being pregnant, but even already I am looking back at it a bit more fondly. Man this whole thing messes with your brain!!
  8. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @malajusted my fitness watch was regularly telling me I was burning 2000-3000 cals a day (regular would have been around 1500). It is definitely hard on your system!
  9. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @kimberly5150 honestly, that was my biggest fear! I thought my cardio would be absolute crap given that I basically didn't run for 2-3 months, but after a few shaky and uncomfortable weeks, it was fine. I haven't 100% recaptured my pace, but I'm close. I think so much of it has to do with...
  10. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    @kubipan We ended up with a Thule and we love it. Both hubby and I run (me much more than him) and it works well as both a running stroller, and our regular every day stroller. We were going to go for that one, or the BOB, but chose Thule because it is significantly lighter, more collapsible...
  11. J

    7months postpartum (an update and assurance regarding fitness and pp recovery)

    So, when I was pregnant, I worried constantly about fitness levels, weight gain, and how my body would recover after giving birth. It's not like I was a serious athlete before my pregnancy, but I was running very consistently, rock climbing and preparing for a triathlon. All that changed when I...