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  1. J

    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    @cindlee Okay this is great. I’m actually in Canada, too. :) I didn’t know about the formula after solids thing! I think my brain is stuck in 6 month mode when we first started solids (I was super stressed about it and seem emotionally stuck there haha). Thank you for this!
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    11m old has cut back drastically on formula

    My daughter is a week shy of 11m and has been 99% percentile for weight for about 2 months now (25lbs). She’s what I’d consider a great eater and loves solids. Three meals a day with crackers and pouches to keep her happy inbetween. My concern is that she’s cut down drastically on her formula...
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    Anyone want more kids but OAD was ultimately the right choice?

    @leonardod You get the housing struggle then! I’m envious of people who can access actual detached houses with yards and multiple bedrooms. I know there are trade offs (we live next to an ocean and it almost never snows) but having kids made me consider moving to the prairies. :) The illness...
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    Should I leave my wife with a 2-mo old for a week?

    @younglite No.
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    Anyone want more kids but OAD was ultimately the right choice?

    @leonardod Absolutely. I always envisioned two kids but most likely, we’ll be one and done. Like you, my partners work is very demanding and he’s often not home until after baby bedtime. I’m on a long mat leave, but I’ll be going back in five months and I think having two working parents will be...
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    Second baby?

    @alaric De-pregnatising your mind is such a real thing. I didn’t get relief from the intense hormones until I was probably closer to 12m pp and that was with weaning from pumping at 3m. Never managed to breastfeed. I’ve hear that with nursing it can extend some of the really intense feelings a...
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    Second baby?

    @hirow Oh wow this is so interesting! Very similar experience. My daughter is 18m and she is SPIRITED lol. I wanted a second so badly from age 6m-16m and more recently it’s been a hard maybe. This got a lot harder. It’s good to hear that for some parents they just needed a larger age gap. I’d...
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    TWW fun ‘til Monday!

    @dageo Thank you!! And yes, marvel movies can pack an emotional punch! I think I cried watching a very well choreographed fight scene - nothing sad even happened. That’s why I knew something was up! 🤣
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    my worst nightmare.. my toddler is in the hospital via ambulance

    @alwayscurious Oh my goodness, you’ve been through the ringer. I haven’t experienced anything like this, but sending hugs and support and calm. You are such a great mom - you did exactly what you needed to do for your son, and didn’t hesitate to get him the urgent help he needed. Hang in there...
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    TWW fun ‘til Monday!

    @dageo Oh yeah. About two days before my period was due I started to have light cramping and some very mild spotting. Super light. I remember telling my partner (who I was actively trying with that month) “okay, there’s my period. I guess it didn’t work this time around”. Then my period never...
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    TWW fun ‘til Monday!

    @varzr Omg this feels spot on for how unfair pregnancy symptoms can be! My weird one was a major gum infection from a trapped food particle. I had to get part of my gum lasered off! My dentist explained that in pregnancy any minor issue can go full bonkers because our immune systems are so off.