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  1. P

    A plan for figuring it out

    @daviddolphin That's another reason for us, too. As my son gets older the possibilities for what I can do with him only increase. I'm not willing to give that up before he goes to school. By the time he's in school full-time (he'll be half time the year before) I'd have a ~1 year old who is...
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    Final Miscarriage

    @nicholasb You’re a wonderful writer. I’m so sorry for your loss. Sigrid is a beautiful name.
  3. P

    A plan for figuring it out

    @joshjosh86 "When your kids play together, their play will have more value. ‘Play works best in terms of nurturance when those playing are at different stages in childhood’ (Gray)." This this this! Thank you so much. This page is exactly how I feel about all of it. Spacing kids is not a one...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @jazzyd777 Oh that would be amazing if it worked like that. I found a post from a mum once saying something like "thank god we left a gap between them because the second was just as shit a sleeper as the first" and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Also, don't ever mention twins again I...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @jazzyd777 Totally. I can already imagine said document having a big long disclaimer at the beginning about this! It won't be truly exhaustive for this reason, but I can imagine a few scenarios where attempting to make it 'complete' will help anyway, either by getting to the root of what the...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @wogspeaker I'm so glad to hear you say this 🙂. I really like the idea of my son being a role model.
  7. P

    A plan for figuring it out

    Our little family of three had an idyllic Saturday morning. We went on a big bike ride (my son, 2, on the back) to a massive park. We brought sandwiches. We played and ate. I had a break and watched SO play with my son. Then we switched. We came home laughing and singing silly songs while...