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    34 weeks pregnant, baby measuring small. Dr wants to induce

    @buckwheaties I'm so sorry, it's so frustrating when your doctor isn't truly on your team. Our son is 3 and he's rarely sick, he's 90th percentile in both weight and height, and he's ahead of developmental milestones consistently. I hope that can put you at ease!
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    34 weeks pregnant, baby measuring small. Dr wants to induce

    @buckwheaties My first was measuring irregularly (so legs were behind the growth of the head etc) but I had high BP yet no signs of preeclampsia. Saw an MFM who said my placenta was under too much stress from BP and do deliver soon bc I was at risk of stillborn baby. My son was born at 36 weeks...
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    Go To Recovery Items

    @abbiewhite Chapstick is a big one for me too! And I like to make up a little welcome home gift to myself and splurge on a few things that may not be “needed” for recovery but just make me feel special so I totally get the outfits!
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    Go To Recovery Items

    What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery in the hospital? and What are your top 3 can't-do-without items for recovery at home once you've left the hospital? I'll go first: I've had two c-sections (prepping for a third now) so it will be specific to that. Hospital: My own...
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    Morning sickness survival hacks?

    @jjerry Try a nausea inhaler (, you just put it up to your nose and inhale. I found it SO helpful and unlike most other remedies something I didn’t have to put in my mouth or eat. Can be used for a LONG time, and this two pack is nice. I had one next to my bed and one at...
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    37 weeks pregnant high BP

    @theprinceofthisworld Thank you! You’re going to do great and you’ll be snuggling that sweet baby soon. I’m blessed with an amazing OB who is not an alarmist and has delivered many many babies. He memorized my birth plan with my second and the night before the c section was at the hospital...
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    37 weeks pregnant high BP

    @theprinceofthisworld So my BP was starting to get into 150/95 consistently, but it was the scan that showed blood flow to the placenta wasn’t ideal (likely from the high BP kind of wearing it down over time) and baby’s head was significantly further ahead in size than his body meaning his body...
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    37 weeks pregnant high BP

    @theprinceofthisworld I’m so sorry! It is scary. My first was induced (then c section) at 36 weeks for my high BP. All said and done, it turned out okay. Our son is 3 and ahead of normal development milestones (based on birth age not gestational), and in 90th percentile for height and weight...