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  1. C

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @servantheart We don't really know, but it's probably natural selection. Boy foetuses are more likely to be miscarried. Boys have a slightly higher chance of stillbirth and SIDS, and other causes of death before reproductive age (which is all natural selection cares about).
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    Why should I not let my baby “use me as a human pacifier”

    @yoshinat0r There's basically no reason to prevent this behaviour, and it could even be beneficial for him to do it, since despite the name "non nutritive" they do get some small amount of breastmilk from doing it. It's also helpful in terms of stimulating your supply - largely irrelevant at...
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    Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

    @helarikoski This is so true. At that age they are really hard to entertain sat in a static seat - at least toddlers and older can listen to audio books, enjoy songs, verbal games, play on a phone/tablet, look out of the window. A six month old is just going to be sad and confused that he can't...
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    Names pronounced differently by both parents?

    @peakdixon My friend's daughter uses the pronunciation of her name to work out which language the person speaks! It's not this name exactly but for example if her name is Laura, when the person says Lora, they probably speak English. When the person says Lowra, they probably speak German.
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    What to do when best is impossible (Emily Oster)

    @brianball Yes, this! Plus it's massively patronising, the idea that people are a general mass of stupid, immoral people who are out for their own destruction. I mean, yeah, people have varying levels of reading comprehension and messaging should not be too complex. But the destroying trust...
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    Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

    @linka81 Stayed pretty frequent until they night weaned, which was around 2 years old. I bedshared pretty much until then as well. It kind of bounced between hourly to 2-3 hourly to 4-5 hour stretches with no kind of pattern or sense to it, I learned to go with the flow after a while :D It was...
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    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @jaenalyn That is exactly what I was thinking of! Never seen this in the UK.
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    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @chrissie0555 Well there was a big thing a few years ago about BPA in baby bottles, and yes, some people switched to using glass. You can also buy stainless steel here if you don't want the breakable issue with glass. But then BPA was banned, and bottles/plastic in general started to come with a...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @laurie4321 Hey OP I caught up on your comment replies. This is so much. Challenging behaviour and a new baby sibling and the toilet issues and maybe feeling unsupported by your spouse too? It's a LOT. Please don't be hard on yourself. Everyone would struggle with this combination of...
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    Thoughts on infant formula prep study

    @chrissie0555 That is the standard advice in the UK, and it's the advice from the WHO as well so arguably applicable worldwide. Honestly to me it has always seemed like a sensible precaution, and even though German formula tubs don't say "must prep with water over 70C" I still followed that...
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @comicbookguy Why have you included g/g and b/b twice each?
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    I’m wondering what will happen the day my daughter stops nursing to sleep. Can you share w me your experience?

    @lily_pad_96 With my eldest I used to lie with him in bed to nurse him to sleep and he started to nurse, then roll over and fall asleep without it. Then after a while he didn't want to nurse any more but he still wanted me to lie with him for a cuddle. With my second I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP...
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    Any articles on car seat time limit safety? Husband wants to take 6 m y/o on 25 hour trrip

    @umaid I answered this the other day so if you'll excuse the laziness I'll link :) The rest of the discussion on that thread is also helpful, although an older child. The problems other than positional asphyxia are risks relating to development of the spine and lack of opportunity to practice...
  14. C

    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @deepblues36 Kind of. If you already have a girl, then G/B and G/G are the possibilities. B/B is not a possibility. It's always 50/50 (well 51/49 as somebody pointed out).
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob To me it sounds like she might need less in the way of naps or she might be hungry. You could try bringing a small snack to bed like a sandwich. Also look at timing of dinner, if it's too late and she's tired that might not work. You could offer something earlier and then add a...
  16. C

    Does sleep training even work?

    @cyberrocky From the various bits of research and studies and podcasts-articles-books etc I've come across I would estimate it works for about 20% of babies. You'll see higher success rates claimed because of some of this fudging and because people who do sleep train tend to self select and I...
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    How do you control your rage when your child physically hurts you?

    @laurie4321 It's not developmentally typical for a 3yo to be frequently violent to such an extent. If people have told you that it is they might be trying to make you feel better or being nice. I do not find it a helpful approach, it's pretty gaslighty when you're dealing with an extreme...
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    Just learned that cash register receipts are FULL of BPA

    @angel_sword Huh, is that why they all went blue?
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @cqw What? No it isn't. It's only twice as likely to get a mixture as it is to get both boys OR both girls, individually. It is just as likely to get a matched pair as a mixture.
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    "Cry it out" is not a well-defined term

    @roneal 15 months was a bit of a shit time sleep wise for both of my older kids (my youngest isn't that old yet). I noticed sleep advancements that seemed to actually stick from around 18 months. FWIW, I think the idea that "bad sleep is caused by bad sleep habits" is made up - I don't think...